Battlefield: 60” x 44”
Reinforcements: Players use the wide table edges for their reinforcement zone
Game Length: At the end of a Round:
- If one or more players have accumulated 10 VPs, end the game, with the highest scoring player the winner.
- If one player has retreated from the field, the remaining player wins and the game ends.
- Otherwise the game lasts 10 rounds, ending in a draw if one of the above is not met.
Victory Points:
- Place 3 Objectives (6″ diameter) along the centerline. One will be in the center and the other two 15″ away on either side.
- At the end of each Turn, you score points for the following:
- 1 point for every destroyed Light unit
- 2 points for holding 6″ objectives
Special Rules:
- Looting: Each objective only provides a player points twice.
- Light Fingers: Lights count as scoring units.