Slow Grow League

Slow-grow league sign up (March 13th - March 19th) 1500 points

Slow-grow league sign up (March 13th - March 19th) 1500 points

This sign up is for the Table Top Simulator slow-grow league for Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings.

Every two weeks the points will jump going from 650 >1000>15000>2000.

You can sign up for each 2 week period you want to participate in, and will be paired with 2 other people to play games with. This is a casual event, so change your list, change your army, and don't let your experience keep you from joining.

It is required to be part of the Conquest Eternals disord (where the online events are hosted) so if you haven't joined, then click this link to join our awesome community!

Have you joined the Conquest Eternals discord, where the league is hosted from?
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